Saturday, 17 August 2013

Quick Pics

Jodie is getting to the awkward teenage chick stage, where her legs seem a bit too long for her body, and she's becoming impatient with her wings, flapping them about as she runs in the yard - it seems like she's trying to get some lift.

She's spending some time out of the safety of the dog run, and the older girls have put her (and her mom) in their place with a few pecks, but the girls now seem to be comfortable with the new addition.  Unfortunately, a neighbourhood cat likes to hang out in the yard, and I think Jodie is a bit too much temptation to leave running about.  Catching her and Celine for their own safety when we won't be outside is getting harder each day. (Maybe that's good too?)

The bunnies are very active and squirmy right now, actually putting up quite a noisy fuss if we disturb them.

Part of my garden is allowed to go to seed, so that I can collect seed that I believe will not have been cross-pollinated, and grow the same plant again next year.  All of my lettuces have had an umbrella of small, yellow flowers - but this 'red dandelion' variety has just put up one main, large, blue flower stalk.  I pulled my other lettuce plants which had already largely bloomed (and set seed), and hopefully, the other few plants I left to go to seed will bloom in the next few days, so that the bees will pollinate them, and I can grow this lettuce again from my own collected seed - we're now enjoying salads from the third planting of this variety, it's slow to bolt, pretty, and tasty.

I took a picture of this specific Siletz tomato several weeks ago - today I harvested it, the first non-cherry tomato of the season - and it's the size of my hand.  After dinner snack when Adrian gets home!

We finally treated Spot with some ivermectin for his ear mites, as the mineral oil was not clearing the problem, and I couldn't watch him in discomfort any longer.  Hopefully, the irritation will clear up in the next few days.  All of the rabbit cages were cleaned today, and his outside quarters and normal cage were sprayed with a bleach solution to help reduce the risk of reinfection.

He still loves me.

And this is Notch.  We're going to let him settle in today, as he wasn't thrilled with the ride in his small transport cage (he's more than twice the size of Spot), and is getting adjusted to new surroundings.  I'll be working with him over the next few days to make him more comfortable, and will mate him to Sweetie and Rose tomorrow afternoon.  We're happy to welcome him here - a handsome, gentle boy, with lovely soft fur.

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