Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Bees and Bunnies

We went into the hive during a sunny break on Sunday, and were surprised when we found capped brood, but no other sign of a queen bee.  The hive has a reprieve until next weekend at least, when we will check again to see if there is any sign that the hive is queen-right and things are progressing well - we have our fingers and toes all crossed. This is proving quite the complicated beekeeping experience.

Work continued on the rabbitry, and we managed to get frames installed and covered, that will eventually each house two large hanging cages for our rabbits to have more space and fresh air. 

Sakura and Chun Li are both due to deliver today, and have built nests but have not yet begun to pull fur.  I'll be checking on them all day, but they'll likely wait until tonight to have their kits.

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