Friday, 20 September 2013

Birthday Update

A sad end note.  Yesterday afternoon I discovered that Rose had finally given birth, but three of the 4 kits were apparently stillborn.  Two of the large kits were out on the wire, so I assume she was having some birthing difficulties, possibly given their size. A third dead kit was in the nesting box, inches away from the last, squirming kit with a very full belly of milk.  Rose seemed calm, though she must have been mildly stressed at her largely unsuccessful labour.

I quickly pulled Sweetie's nesting box, and chose her two smallest kits to add to Rose's fur-lined nest, beside her healthy kit.  Since I could not be sure what had actually happened, I decided not to risk moving over any more of the babies and possibly losing healthy rabbits from Sweetie's litter. The two chosen were much smaller than the rest of the litter, and could use the advantage of less competition for resources.

Rose was easily distracted with some kale and cabbage gleanings, and that gave the new kits time to nestle in beside their adopted sibling, taking on the smell of the nesting box at the same time.

Last evening, and this morning, every baby was warm, cuddled into the nests with full bellies, and both mothers happily accepted their breakfast grain, comfrey, lemon balm and celery leaf.

This is why I breed two does at the same time - in case of emergency or the need to foster.  Rose should have plenty of milk to share, and Sweetie won't be under constant stress from the demands of a litter of eight.  A sad time to find three kits lost on their birthday, but the remaining baby rabbits should grow up healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Whew, that worked out well in spite of the sad circumstances. Very wise of you to manage it so.
